Welcome to KALRO & Information Service Library
KALRO Library and Information Service are dedicated to disseminating agricultural information and Knowledge throughout the agricultural value chains.
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Library Objectives
- To Promote the use of standards and guidelines in the collection, storage, and dissemination of information
- To develop a reference point for literature on Kenyan and international agriculture, for researchers in KALRO, partner institutions, and beyond
- To liaise with other Departments and relevant programs to acquire and provide access to repackaged information resources necessary to support agricultural research and the agricultural industry in general
- To develop an information resource, in print or e-format, a collection that is responsive to clients’ demands and agricultural opportunities and policy environment through purchase, exchange, or subscription.
- To create, preserve and provide access to a comprehensive bibliographic repository with full-text articles of documents on Kenyan agriculture generated by KALRO
- To promote sharing of information with existing networks and consortium
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